Introduction about MCOC Assassin


Hi all,
I am an experienced player in MCoC (around 1.5 years), from one of the top 10 alliances in the Vietnam.
I can provide you high quality services for passing any single quest in the game for cheap prices.
That means fast service + low units (odins) consumption + low prices.

- Labyrinth of Legends (with 4* StarLord I will need 0-3500 units on your account for easy path, with 5* StarLord 0-2000 units for easy path, the rest hard paths 0-3500 units, it depends on your amount of item stock).

- Road to the Labyrinth.
- Realm of Legends.
Any Quest Completion /or Exploration (Act 5 chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4 are included as well).

- All of types arena (Added 5* feature).

Price of services will update next posts......


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